Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Kiss Asian HD Video

Ever had a woman "freak out" because you touched her the wrong way? Ever had one gripe that you don't show her enough affection? The subject of touch can be pretty confusing... but since I'm in a good mood today, I thought I'd shed some light on the subject.

I hear from guys over and over: things were going great, then I "made my move" and she didn't want anything to do with me. Or, even worse, "I thought I should kiss her, but didn't want to offend her, and I never heard from her again. Help!"

Lots of mixed messages here, huh guys? The truth is, women do liked to be touched, and do liked to be kissed, but... only after they're gradually "warmed up." Obviously after you're intimate with her things are different, but when you're first feeling each other out, how you touch her or don't touch her will determine if she ever "feels you up."

I've used this analogy before, but I'm going to use it again since it gives such a vivid mental picture when it comes to how you should touch a woman. If you take a marble, put it in boiling water, then drop it into a glass of ice water, it will shatter. Why? The transition is too sudden. However, if you take it out of the boiling water, let it cool, and then put it in the ice water it will be just fine. Why? Because there was a smooth transition. And when you begin touching a woman, there needs to be smooth progression, not a sudden jolt.

See, too many guys try to go from having button for subscribe youtube channel a great time in conversation to "laying one on her" and catching her by surprise. Many times this will scare a woman who otherwise would have been very happy to kiss you, had you smoothly led up to it. It's the sudden jolt that can scare her off, not the kiss itself. Women like to be kissed... AFTER they've been warmed up.

So, let me tell you how the King does it... then you can put it to use and get some "royal results" of your own.

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I always start with relaxing her via conversation--being funny, naughty, cocky, making her laugh, getting her to open up and talk about herself. After I feel her relax and after I've made her laugh a few times I start to touch her in a very non-threatening way.

I'll make her laugh, and as she laughs I'll gently brush her forearm with the back of my hand. The next time I'll touch her shoulder with the open palm of my hand. If she responds positively to that, then I'll get a bit bolder.

Here's something I learned from a cute Asian girl three or four years ago: if a woman is not feeling attracted to a guy, she won't let him touch her. So, if she responds positively to my initial touch, I know there's a spark of attraction. If she continues to respond positively as I touch her shoulder, I know the attraction is growing. What I'm looking for is for her to touch me back in a like-minded way... when she begins to reciprocate and touch me, there's a mutual attraction.

After I touch her shoulder, I'll usually take her hand and comment of one of her rings, or her nails. Women don't wear rings just to wear them... they wear them because they like them. And women talk about things they like. So... I'll take her hand and say, "Hey I like that ring... is there a story behind it, or is it just a 'fun ring'?" Most of the time it's just a "fun ring," but she's always happy I asked, and I continue to hold onto her hand after she answers. Rarely do they pull it away... remember, I'm holding her hand after she's already responded positively to my touch. Free details of Wise Prison Life on wikipedia

Then I get a bit more daring. Instead of touching her shoulder, the next time she laughs, I lightly touch her kneecap with my fingers, and quickly pull them away. Many times I'll have women do the same to me, which is a good sign. I don't grab and squeeze, or touch her inner thigh, I touch her "teasingly" like a naughty little boy and then pull my hand away... after all, she must EARN the right to have me touch her more intimately.

Now, after all this, what do you think her reaction will be when I kiss her? Desire, passion? Yep... and I've even had one or two tell me, "It's about time you kissed me, what took you so long?"

<b>To which I replied, "Well, it took you longer to EARN it!" Hah!</b>

And that, my friends, is how you apply the "Magic Touch" to women!

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